Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Awesome Blossom

Well, my ob/gyn called back and it turns out that I did not ovulate this past month. Wow, do I tell way too much info or what? Honestly, I'm really hoping my story will help someone or else I've spilled my guts for nothing. Anyway, he wants to start me on Clomid ASAP. Since I'm the big 3-5 and I have a history of PCOS, he felt it was unnecessary to wait the customary 6 months of TTC before intervening (1 year for wanna-be-moms under 35). I was a little freaked out by the prospect of taking fertility meds, so I have an appointment with doc in December to discuss all my options. In the meantime, I figured I'd go to my naturopath and see what he has in his bag of tricks to increase my fertility.

I met with Dr. Smith last Wednesday. First, he (once again) changed my homeopathic remedy (3rd time) since my IC pain has been unbearable lately. I asked Dr. Smith if the remedy would work if I didn't really believe in homeopathy, even though I want to believe it works. He assured me that he's cured many a skeptic. I also inquired about Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex), which is supposed to help with PCOS. There is research to support that it helps regulate ovulation, decrease excessive facial hair, lengthen one's luteal phase (if too short), and clear up acne. Since off the pill, I've noticed a few extra break outs here and there and my luteal phase is deficient, so I thought Vitex would be a good solution. He agreed, so I will begin taking Vitex when my next cycle starts, whenever that happens.

In attempting to find me the right homeopathic remedy, Dr. Smith asks me very detailed questions about all my symptoms, both physical and mental. When he asked me what was causing me stress, I flippantly replied, "Well, basically I'm stressed because I can't conceive and think that maybe it means that I'm unfit to reproduce...especially considering all my health issues..." Dr. Smith looked at me sadly, shook his head, and told me that I needed to love myself more. He suggested positive self-affirmations, which I assured him I had used before, in addition to cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, prayer, yada, yada, yada...

Not deterred by my 'Been there, done that' attitude, Dr.Smith dug deeper into his bag of tricks. "Are you creative?" he asked.

"I paint." I replied, "Why?"

"Do you have body paints?" he inquired.

Whoa, this was getting a little weird. "No."

"Can you get some?"

"Um, why?"

"Well, what I want you to do is send positive energy to your pelvic region. I'd like you to paint something beautiful on your abdomen, like a flower. Then I want you to send your pelvic region and stomach positive energy. You have a lot of negativity towards that area, and I feel you need to send yourself some love. I also want you to take a picture of what you've painted and keep the picture someplace where you'll see it daily. When you see it, I want you to send yourself some love."

"Honestly, ya know what I'm thinkin' right now?" I countered, "I'm thinking that if I take a picture of my stomach and look at it, all I'm going to be thinking is, 'What happened to my abs? I used to have nice abs and now I'm all flabby.'"

Dr. Smith laughed, but put his recommendation for me on paper so that I would not forget. Looks like I've got some body paint to buy.

I'm sending my abs love as I write this. ; )

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