Sunday, November 1, 2009


First, as usual, a "quick" update. I reduced my dosage of the Cystoprotek in half around the time of ovulation last month because I didn't want to take any chances and risk "chromosomal mutations" even though my ob/gyn assured me that I could wait until the day I find out I'm pregnant. A couple of days later, my IC started to flare again and so did my fibro! Yuck. My joint pain and fatigue, which had been better for a while, started to slowly creep back. Now it's to the point where a day of running errands will leave me achy and exhausted for a couple of days.

Two days after I stopped the Cystoprotek, I had my first visit with a local naturopath, Dr. Smith. My initial consult was two hours long- not covered by my insurance. Dr. Smith was very thorough in his investigation of my medical history and my current symptoms. In fact, when time ran out, he asked if I could come back later in the afternoon so that he could continue the interview, stating that my case was one of the more complex ones he's come across. He saw me for an additional hour and a half- without charging me for the extra time! He prescribed several supplements, including slippery elm bark powder (for my IC), a probiotic, a glucosamine and glutamine supplement (for my gut), Vitamin D, Juice Plus (multi), and a homeopathic remedy. Five hundred dollars later (that included the consultation), I walked out, praying that something would work.

Thus far, I can honestly say that my IC pain is somewhat reduced. Most nights I am no longer kept up by my IC pain and there are days when I am almost pain free. I've even eaten some of my "forbidden foods" and been okay. I can't go overboard, but a piece of chocolate here and there seems to be tolerable. That being said, the pain isn't totally gone. Tomato sauce (and many other foods and beverages) still leaves me burning and stress flares me up almost every time. I'm going back for a follow up appointment on Tuesday and am hoping a little tweaking of my "remedies" may do the trick. I've noticed when my progesterone levels are higher (as evidenced by a rise in basal body temperature after ovulation), my IC pain is often better. It's worse prior to ovulation. I haven't noticed the same correlation with my fibro or IBS though. In fact, my fibro and IBS are often worse during my period but don't seem as affected during other times during my cycle.

It's important to note, however, that I haven't been strictly following my GF/CF diet. Big mistake! While I've gotten to the point where I can tolerate small amounts of dairy, it seems that my body does not appreciate the slices of pizza I attempted to sneak into my diet. I was especially naughty when my good friend from back home came down to visit, since we spent half of our time eating out. I'm now attempting to get back on track with my diet, since it does make a tremendous difference, especially with my IBS.

No funny stories today, but I'm hoping to get back into the habit of blogging more frequently. I plan on sharing lots of information and maybe even a silly story now and then.

Until then, Cento Anni!

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